Hi, Blog 2023.
Wednesday, February 01, 2023Hi, Blog.
It has been a while. Like literally a while since I have written anything. My life has been moving on and a lot of things have happened lately. I have already given birth to my 2nd child with Mark and I have given birth to a very cute baby boy which I have delivered normally. Kudos to my son and our teamwork during the labor and delivery process. Thank God for helping us and for making everything smooth. Our daughter also started going to school last September 2022 at DPS. <3
A lot of feelings have been mixed up, lots of situations had happened and here we are now in 2023. In 2022, man, a lot of things happened. I can sum it up but I am too lazy to do that. I am the type of person who is not always in the moment but rather looking too far but also like to be in "some moments" but not always coz that's too cheesy. I hate cheesy things but I like showing them on specific things when I see the need for them. I am just writing what's on my mind right now. Nothing specific. I just felt the need to write something coz a lot of things have been on my mind (well as always) and today I have decided to write them. Write the random things on my head and put them on a medium so they won't linger much on my head (at least). Expressing through this blank virtual paper would at least help me express myself.
This could be a good sign to write again. This could be the start of my writing again. For now, these are all that I wanted to say and I am just following my thoughts. Writing seems to different (to this genre at least) where I don't follow any plan like I usually do but rather expressing whatever I felt like saying and getting the exact words for them makes it therapeutic. Maybe this is the magic of writing. Where you are free to express yourself hence, making yourself feel better. I am being reminded of my Dad as he is a writer himself. Maybe Dad is reminding me to write and express myself as this is the best way of expression (for us). So yeah, in case you don't know me, in real life I don't express much of myself so writing these down (again) is a big deal for me.
Whoever you are that is reading this, I am thanking you for pondering some time on my thoughts. (I sound like my Dad. This is how he writes. Miss you, Dad).